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  • talkwithease

Working From Home Style!

All this remote working is giving me time to reflect on the time I have spent delivering Speech and Language Therapy to children- when we were still able to go in to schools!

A lovely memory just came in to mind about a year 5 boy I have been working with for a few years. He has Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) and has received a lot of input to work on his vocabulary, grammar and practice strategies to aid word retrieval. Pre- Coronavirus we were talking about Year 6 SATs and secondary school to which he said "when I go to secondary school can I still have Speak and Language Therapy pleaseeee". I replied, "well after secondary school you might be thinking about your career choices, do you know what you might like to do?" He replied: "I like to be a Speak and Language Therapist". I asked him what he thought this might entail and he s

aid: "I have to be giving people tests, helping people, you have to have a lot of knowledge... you can help people and it's fun for students". Bless him!!! This current situation is such an uncertain for us adults and also for the children right now, being out their usual routine and being off school. However, we can try to make the best out of a bad situation and use the time for a chance for

reflection and to inspire children to think about what aspirations they have and how they can work towards those goals. I am feeling relective myself right now!

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